British Values
At Foxton, we actively promote British values to ensure young people leave our school prepared for life in modern Britain. This forms part of our Foxton Curriculum.
Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. We promote these values through celebrating their presence within our school and challenging pupils, staff or parents who express opinions contrary to them.
The Key Values are:
- Democracy
- Rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
The children at Foxton see democracy carried out in a variety of ways and see this as being an essential component of successful team working. Democracy is a school value that children meet when discussing respect and fairness.
The establishment of a new School Council each year models the democratic process. Our School Council is made up of:
- 2 elected pupils from Class 1
- 2 elected pupils from Class 2
- 4 Team Leaders elected by each team
- Head Boy and Head Girl
Learning walks for behaviour and behaviour for learning School Values.
Work on the Global Goals such as SDG 16.
Our history curriculum.
Children are able to work co-operatively in pairs and groups as well as in whole class situations. They understand about turn taking and respecting the views of others. Children in KS2 in particular are able to use the language of respect.
Rule of law
The children at Foxton are familiar with this concept through our ethos and work of the school. Discussion of values are part of RE and PSHE lessons, KS2 children develop skills in debating and discussing laws/rules and their application.
- Whole school assemblies as outlined above
- Behaviour policy
- PSHE Curriculum including role of parliament
- Our history curriculum
- School Council
- Anti-Bullying Week
Pupils have very clear values/moral compass which guides their behaviour choices; they have a definite sense of what is right and what is wrong. Pupils look after each other and take responsibility for each other; any conflicts are resolved quickly and effectively. Pupils understand and celebrate differences in views and are able to explore moral and ethical issues in a reasoned way.
Individual liberty
Our children are encouraged to learn about their rights and the rights of others. They learn about the importance of human rights and equality, respect and dignity through our school values and behaviour policy.
- Whole School Assemblies including work on the Global Goals
- Behaviour policy
- PSHE and RE curriculum
- Model freedom of speech through pupil participation, while ensuring protection of vulnerable pupils and promoting critical analysis of evidence
- Challenge stereotypes implement a strong anti-bullying culture – SEAL theme – ‘Say no to bullying’
- Online-safety throughout school (see computing curriculum)
The importance of being in the moment and seeing themselves as human beings and not human doings. Pupils have a developing empathy with others and are able to see beyond the self. Pupil develop a respect for themselves and others. Pupils have an awareness of and understanding of their own and other’s beliefs and values.
Respect and tolerance
Respect is a fundamental school value, around which pivots much of the work of the school. We pay explicit attention to this as part of our RE, PSHE, and SMSC curriculum.
Whole School Assemblies sharing:
- School values and our Global Goals
- Global religious and cultural festivals celebrated
- Visiting speakers of different faiths
- Celebration Assembly
- Behaviour policy.
Pupils value the richness of living in modern Britain. They respect and celebrate our diverse cultures, faiths and communities. They recognise and celebrate our similarities and differences as human beings. Pupils are proud to be part of modern Britain. Children have the opportunity to engage in cultural experiences and religious experiences which broadens their horizons.