Friday 15th March 2024
This week there was mulch to do with nature club. Using some of the leaf mould in the car park, we gave the fruit trees a good mulching as we do every spring and autumn to suppress the weeds and keep the soil hydrated and intact. Louisa did a quick health check and the apple blossom was furthest developed, but I did explain that this was because it was in the most favourable position being South facing. In actual fact, the plum will be the first to fruit and the pear will be last. Lots of minibeasts were spotted in the leaf mould which was a good sign: woodlice, worm and spider. An attempt was made to take a photograph, but it may have been too dark. After this there was just time to sow some yellow poppy seeds Mrs Oakden had kindly donated. We broadcast them and to give them a fighting chance chanted Little Seeds that we sow into yellow poppies grow! We also tied up some of our information cards about clouds and badgers for children to use. Now we just need some sunshine.