Nature Journal

Updated weekly by our very own Nature Club.

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  • 16/02/23

    Thursday 16th February 2023

    As we head towards half-term, we turned our attention (hopefully) to spring.  Armed with iPads and whiteboards, we went on a hunt for signs of spring. Back in the classroom, we came up with: birds' nests, buds on fruit trees and butterfly bushes, birds calling to mates, daffodils sprouting...
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  • 09/02/23

    Thursday 9th February 2023

    As I watched the children sprinting towards me in the nature area, it seemed appropriate that mental health week was here and that I had decided to explore the idea of slowing life down.  We began with a spot of forest bathing (Shinrin Yoku, as practised by the Japanese), among the tree...
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  • 02/02/23

    Thursday 2nd February 2023

    It was on a windy day that Nature Club ventured into the pond area and decided to have a go at making some woodland wind chimes. First they gathered different sized sticks and applied the scientific knowledge that they learnt about sound last year to create a chime of different length sticks. Then...
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  • 26/01/23

    Thursday 26th January 2023

    Now that the temperature has gone above zero, nature club decided to see how the pond was doing and how the fruit trees were maturing. Parker watered the trees and Christmas tree and we could see all the buds that will be blossom in the spring. Zara and Parker used nets to fish a football out of the...
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  • 19/01/23

    Thursday 19th January 2023

    Nature Club were thrilled today to see their new bird hide moved into Bobby’s (our resident Robin’s} favourite corner of the field.  We are very grateful to Mr Evans for moving it and for Mrs Bratu’s efforts on the community Facebook page, which has generated so much bird rela...
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  • 06/01/23

    Friday 6th January 2023

    Nature club will start next week, but we are thrilled to have a free Christmas tree to plant in our new outdoor classroom area. It is a 4 foot spruce which we are planning on adorning with solar lights for next year. Thanks to the donor from Husband's Bosworth who contacted us via Freecycle...
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  • 08/12/22

    Thursday 8th December 2022

    Now that it is officially winter (since 1st December and the weather certainly agrees) we turned our thoughts to the shortest day on 21st December and traditions that are even older than Christianity. We learnt that Solstice means that the sun stands still and that our ancestors marked this day...
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  • 24/11/22

    Thursday 24th November 2022

    As today is our last session in Autumn, we turned our thoughts towards winter hibernation. Some of the children made hedgehog houses out of bricks, leaves and crates. Elsie took photographs on the iPad to share with the class. Other children made woodland potions and secret Christmas wishes. Finally...
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  • 18/11/22

    Friday 18th November 2022

    Our session began with adding our wonderful animal leaf pictures to our display board, (we are going to use a lot of our leaves outside to make mulch). This was followed with a lovely group discussion about why Mrs Ward-Langman had some acorns, a bag of soil and a glass of water. The theories were a...
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  • 03/11/22

    Thursday 3rd November 2022

    With autumn well and truly underway, we decided to venture out with our leaf spotter guides to see how many species of tree we have here at Foxton. Elizabeth discovered 11 and Elsie took some photos. This shows just how biodiverse our school grounds are, as it didn't include our trees out in the...
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  • 27/10/22

    Thursday 27th October 2022

    Owing to tag rugby, our numbers were somewhat depleted this week. Millipedes, beetles and worms were observed in the posters, whilst indoors Louisa and Parker in Year 4 began planning how to build their formicarium for ants and Bertie began writing his factfile about cinnabar moth caterpillars. Watc...
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  • 16/10/22

    Friday 14th October 2022

    It was really gratifying to hear on Radio 4 this morning how young people are more likely to pursue biodiversity if they can identify the plants and trees around them and use common plants like brambles and nettles. This is exactly what we have been doing in nature club and it was especially encoura...
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