Nature Journal

Updated weekly by our very own Nature Club.

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  • 15/06/23

    Thursday 15th June 2023

    This week our new Head Chef Lila was cooking with herbs. She picked oregano and sage, which have really bushed out in this warm weather and added them to a tomato sauce flavoured with onion and garlic. All six children had two helpings, as well as Adam and myself. Everyone declared it delicious. It...
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  • 09/06/23

    Thursday 8th June 2023

    Today our schedule changed as our Head Chef forgot her ingredients to cook with herbs!  Not a problem as she will get another opportunity in a couple of weeks.  Instead, we headed out to the nature area and our two raised beds-one in the back and one on the front of the school.  We ha...
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  • 26/05/23

    Thursday 25th May 2023

    It is lovely to see the nature area springing into life with all the warm weather.  All the Mediterranean herbs are enjoying this dry, warm spell and the Hope Garden Mrs Bratu has planted with the children is a beautifully colourful corner.  This week was Anya's last turn to be He...
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  • 23/05/23

    Tuesday 23rd May 2023

    As the weather is warming up and the Nature clubbers are all busy harvesting and cooking our produce, I decided to fill up the pond and weed all around it and our fruit trees. I was thrilled to spot a lot of pond snails, boatmen and pondskaters, as was Bobby the Robin who was perched nearby. I was e...
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  • 18/05/23

    Thursday 18th May 2023

    For the rest of this year, nature club members have been allowed to choose an activity to lead and they all chose cooking!  Today, it was the turn of our newly appointed Head Chef Anya and her cooking team Lila, Louisa and Parker.  First of all, she went to the nature area and chose t...
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  • 15/05/23

    Monday 15th May 2023

    Today, a huge thanks to Quey in Year 3 who helped me tie the labels on the wild plants that are coming up in the grassed area:  St John's Wort, Mallow and Speedwell to name a few. We also looked at the pond and he told me all about fishing, as well as his own pond which he made at home...
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  • 12/05/23

    Thursday 11th May 2023

    This time last year we made a rather smelly nettle fertiliser for all our plants. This year, we don't have quite so many nettles, but we still needed to responsibly forage, so only picked a few handfuls (with gloves of course), so that we left plenty for our pollinators, especially peacock and s...
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  • 04/05/23

    Thursday 4th May 2023

    In our bid to increase our biodiversity we wanted to measure just how biodiverse our soil is by making a mini wormery. First, we learnt why they are so important to the planet. Being decomposers, they are at the bottom of the food chain and help oxygenate and fertilize the soil by eating waste matte...
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  • 27/04/23

    Thursday 27th April 2023

    Thanks to Mr Norman for buying the compost which meant that we could get down to mulching our fruit trees. First, we talked about why: nutrition, moisture and heat retention and hopefully the prevention of weeds and erosion. They all got stuck in with gloves on and marvelled at the blossom. After th...
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  • 23/03/23

    Thursday 23rd March 2023

    Nature club was somewhat depleted today, owing to Tag rugby, but it was lovely to see Anya and Parker taking the younger children under their wings. Thanks to Mrs Oakden's generous donation, they were able to plant 4 Alpine strawberries in one of the raised beds next to the lavender. They also s...
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  • 16/03/23

    Thursday 16th March 2023

    Nature clubbers were really excited to see one of the raised beds full of herbs-thank you Jamie, Benjamin and Mr Norman.  We chose the sage today to cook with.  Each child took 2 leaves each from the outside and bottom of the plant, which we took in to wash. Then, at dinner time, we c...
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  • 09/03/23

    Thursday 9th March 2023

    As the snow turned to rain, any hopes of snow sculpture faded so instead with the help of the Woodland Trust Guide, the children braved the cold to go out looking for animal tracks.  Louisa was the first to spot the tell-tale signs of urine in the nature area, which then led to her spotting som...
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