Ofsted & Results

To view our latest Ofsted report, please click here or download it from the bottom of this page.

The tables below show our most recent Key Stage 2 results. You will see the percentage of children reaching the expected (EXS) standard and greater depth (GDS) in reading, writing and maths compared to national as well as our average scaled scores and progress scores. You can also compare our school performance via the DfE website. Please note that due to COVID-19, there were no statutory assessments taken in 2019-20 or 2020-21.

Key Stage 2 results 2023-24

Our Year 6 cohort was small (7 children) and affected by absences during SATs week which significantly impacted our data. We have included our teacher assessment judgements along with the SATs results below.

  Foxton % EXS
Teacher Assessment 
RWM combined 71%
Reading 86%
Writing 71%
Maths 100%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 57%
Science 86%


  Foxton % EXS  National % EXS Foxton % GDS National % GDS Foxton Av. SS National Av. SS
RWM combined 57% 61% 14%   N/A N/A
Reading 71% 74% 28%   107.1  
Writing 71% 72% 14%   N/A N/A
Maths 86% 73% 14%   103.5  
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 57% 72% 14%   101.2  
Science 86%   N/A N/A N/A



  Progress score*

* The national average progress score is always 0

Key Stage 2 results 2022-23

  Foxton % EXS  National % EXS Foxton % GDS National % GDS Foxton Av. SS National Av. SS
RWM combined 69% 60% 31% 8% N/A N/A
Reading 75% 73% 56% 29% 106.6 105.1
Writing 69% 72% 31% 13% N/A N/A
Maths 69% 73% 38% 24% 103.3 104.2
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 69% 72% 31% 30% 102.8 104.9
Science 88% 80% N/A N/A N/A



  Progress score*
Reading +1.04
Writing +1.32
Maths -1.25

* The national average progress score is always 0

Key Stage 2 results 2021-22

  Foxton % EXS  National % EXS Foxton % GDS National % GDS Foxton Av. SS National Av. SS
RWM combined 60% 59% 7% 7% N/A N/A
Reading 93% 74% 40% 28% 107 105
Writing 74% 69% 7% 13% N/A N/A
Maths 80% 71% 13% 23& 104 104
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 67% 72% 20% 28% 105 105
Science 100% 79% N/A N/A N/A



  Progress score*
Reading +3.7
Writing +2.2
Maths +0.3

* The national average progress score is always 0

Key Stage 2 results 2018-19

  Foxton % EXS  National % EXS Foxton % GDS National % GDS Foxton Av. SS National Av. SS
RWM combined 55% 65% 0% 11% N/A N/A
Reading 64% 75% 9% 28% 104 104
Writing 73% 78% 0% 20% N/A N/A
Maths 82% 76% 18% 24% 107 105
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 64% 78% 18% 34% 104 106
Science 83% 82% N/A N/A N/A



  Progress score*
Reading -2
Writing -3.6
Maths +0.1

* The national average progress score is always 0